Free Standard Delivery on all orders over £100. For orders under £100, Standard Delivery is charged at £5.
We currently only ship within the UK using a Standard Delivery. We do not currently ship to countries outside the UK.
We aim to deliver Standard Delivery orders within 2-3 working days, but there may be a slightly longer delivery period during busy periods such as Christmas and Sale periods.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a specific delivery date for Standard Delivery orders. If you require your order to arrive on a particular date please telephone us and we will try to arrange this for you.
Once your order is displayed as ‘Shipped’ please remember to allow 3 working days for your order to arrive. Again, postal services can slow down at busier periods of the year, such as Christmas, so we ask you to wait 5 working days after your order is ‘Shipped’ before contacting us.
If a delivery has been attempted and you have received a card from the courier, please contact the courier directly to arrange another delivery or to pick up the parcel from your local sorting office. If you have followed the instructions above and still have not received your order, please contact us with your query and order number.